SMS & Email Marketing

Thinking of sending customized SMS or Email to Nigerians?

With over 14 Million verified email subscribers and 3 million+ phone numbers, we can help you get your product/services campaign across to your Target audience.

From Political campaigns  to that of Product/Services, we have used Email/SMS Marketing to drive unbelievable amount of Traffic for our client's campaign.

Mobile is the way to go this era and SMS and email are the some of the most friendliest ways to reach Mobile users easily without robbing the bank.

Let's work with you to deliver excellent result today!

Let's help you send millions of Advertisement mails to our subscribers today 


1. You will pay for each SMS or Email we are sending. So, you have to tell us the volume you want.

2. You are to tell us the one you want between SMS or Email blast (You can pay for both if you want).

3. You will prepare what you want to send while we handle the rest.

NOTE:- We don't send/blast anything less than 50,000 Emails or SMS. We can do up to 10 Million Email/SMS.


Let's say you want to blast 50,000 emails, that means you have to pay N5 x 50,000 and that totals = N250,000.

N5 per Email
N10 per SMS

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